August 15, 2007

Take it to the Max

I don't have an awful lot to report on with this post. More than anything, it's just a way to correct an awful realization: Max hasn't seen his furry little face anywhere on this blog site! At least not in the last several months.

For those of you not familiar with our huggable mate, we adopted Max from the Kendall County animal shelter in Yorkville (IL) when he was about one year old. Since that time, he's seen the arrival of our little girl and has managed to stay somewhat sane during our moves into 4 different "homes" over the past 3.5 years without any transition issues. He just goes with the flow.

Max recently enjoyed his 6th birthday. He's a giant walking pile of fur and a constant provider of drool and hair. But he's a goof. And he's wonderful with Su and her friends. Sure, he's not fond of the UPS delivery person. And he also seems to have a problem with certain print brokers in my industry. But the rest of the world is a happy, happy place for him -- and we're fortunate to have him in our family.

Sorry, Max. I'll do a better job of providing info on your future exploits. Gomez and your other canine "brothers" are asking. I'll try not to disappoint.

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