April 06, 2007

Alone again, naturally

I apologize to the very few of you who actually view this blog and probably wonder what happened after the last post. I hinted that employment change was coming 'round the bend and promised details to come.

The short of it is that the small design studio I was directing had a few too many financial problems to overcome. While I was keeping busy -- mostly with my own client work from previous self-employment -- there was not enough going on to sustain the overhead needed to keep the doors open. Had I realized just how bleak the view looked, I would have seriously reconsidered joining up last June. But, alas, I went into the change optimistic and enjoyed several months of solid and creative work.

Anyhow, I'm back to where I was a year ago -- sitting at home performing work for clients I've had for quite some time. A bad thing? Not entirely. I appreciate the relationships with my clients. I enjoy most of the work. And I truly need the income. Not many other ideal choices have been presented to me over recent months (okay, disregard the Des Moines experience earlier in the year...). Long commutes. Low pay. Wrong job descriptions.

My office is now back in full production mode, only I've moved up from the basement and ended up on the 2nd floor with an actual window. A new mac (shown), updated software, and the arrival of spring hopefully present a sign of things to come.

Scary? Hell, yes. Unlike when I first set up my business at the start of 2000, the circumstances are very different. Tighter financial picture. Uncertain work flow. It will be an interesting ride.


wordwitch said...

Hey there - can you do book jacket design? If so, let me know and I'll see if my last employer (who does use freelancers) would be able to use your talents....even in the marketing dept. if you want.


epota said...

Actually, yes. I've done an assortment of book jacket designs. Most from my days in book publishing.

If the need arises, I can provide samples. Also, there is a PDF sampling online. I can provide the URL.

Thanks a bunch for thinking of me!

Bob said...

Yo dude...
I emailed you back a while ago. I hope everything's going well.

You might find this interesting...

IntangibleArts said...

Nice glam shot of the mac. I envision a small gathering of cavemen at its base, smashing thighbones on the ground in slow motion as a gesture of primal reverence...

epota said...

Imagery for me more closely resembles a very futuristic setting, with featureless alien beings surrounding the shiny box, presumably awe-stricken, fearful in their attempts to reach out and touch.