This past Sunday was a pretty special day for the family. For those few of you actually peeking at this blog once in a while, you might remember a post I wrote up in November about our visits to the Chicago Nichiren Buddhist Church. Around September or so of 2008, after about 8 years attending a temple in West Chicago, we started making the journey into the Chicago area instead. A lot of research and examination went into this decision. And it only took a few visits to realize that we had truly found our home. For a little background on that discovery, please read the earlier post.

The path to membership is actually an easy one. And probably made all that more more so because of the previous years of practice and having already a solid grasp on the teachings of Buddhism. It wasn't like we were thrust into anything altogether new -- just improved! And all it took was a verbal exchange to the priest, Rev. Hosho Higuchi, expressing our wishes.

Anyway... Enough historical background.

Setsubun literally means “seasonal division” but it usually refers to the Spring Setsubun. Close to the Lunar New Year, the Spring Setsubun can be thought of as new year’s eve. Therefore, it has a special ritual of cleansing away all the evil of the former year and drive away disease-bearing evil spirits for the year to come. This ritual is called MAMEMAKI (bean scattering or bean throwing) and it is performed by those who are born on the corresponding year of the Animal Zodiac (2009 is the Year of the Ox /the cycle runs every 12 years). The beans are thrown and people shout out “ONI WA SOTO! FUKU WA UCHI!” (“Demons/Evil Spirits out! Luck/Blessings in!”). It is also customary to eat the beans one for each year of one’s life plus one more for bringing good luck for the year to come.

In addition to these ceremonies, good friends Kent and Daryl (shown below) decided to undergo the eye opening ceremony for their two new statues -- one representing Nichiren and the other Sakyamuni -- that will be placed at their home altar. I've included a photo of the two statues, shown alongside the temple Gohonzon, basking in the incense and good vibe of the ceremony (photo shown above).

After cleaning up and saying our goodbyes, we drove the nearly 1 hour journey back home and settled in for some quiet time and naps. A very festive day for all -- and a memorable one.